
Delivered by neurodiverse people.

For neurodiverse people.

autism therapy

What to expect


what to expect

When we hear from you, we will invite you to an online consultation session with a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. We will respond within 24 hours of your initial enquiry, offering you a consultation within 7 days.

At your consultation, the psychologist will listen to you and ask questions to find out what type of therapy, if any, would be best for you. If we think your needs would be better met elsewhere, we will advise you on how to get help.

You are welcome to bring someone to your consultation if you wish, to discuss autism and/or ADHD therapy.

If we think we can help you, we will develop a therapeutic plan with you. This may include individual sessions, couples sessions or family sessions.

We offer therapies for a range of neurodiversity types and mental illnesses, using guidance published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE guidelines are evidence based recommendations that help practitioners give the best care to patients.

We work online, to minimise disruption to your day. We also offer short notice urgent bookings.

You are welcome to contact us via email, Whatsapp or Instagram.

Autism and ADHD treatment


We offer expert autism support or ADHD support for neurodiverse people, delivered by health professionals who are neurodiverse.

Through talking therapy, including cognitive behaviour therapy, we help people on the autism spectrum thrive in relationships, express themselves effectively, manage their emotions and develop their sense of self worth.

We support people with autism or ADHD to excel in education and employment using specific exam, study and organisation strategies. We also improve anxiety management and sleep health. People with autism or ADHD sometimes need medication to support them, and we support them to understand and manage the effects of medication.

People with autism or ADHD often feel misunderstood, judged and undervalued. They can end up with low self esteem and poor self worth.

People with autism or ADHD sometimes wish to be more motivated, focussed and productive. We have strategies, developed by therapists with autism and ADHD, to help neurodiverse people live the life they want to live.

All of our therapeutic support is developed specifically for people with autism or ADHD.

We help people to express themselves and to feel proud of who they are.

We work online, to minimise disruption to your day. We also offer short notice urgent bookings.

Mental health support


mental health therapy

Mental health problems affect people with neurodiversity and their families to a greater extent than the general population.

We offer treatments for a range of mental illnesses, including eating disorders, developed specifically for people with autism or ADHD. Mental health therapy for people with autism or ADHD requires specialist, expert care to achieve the best results.

We offer therapy for mental health problems including anxiety, depression, anger, substance dependency, self harm, personality disorder, eating disorder, suicidal thoughts, trauma, low self esteem, shame related issues, body dysmorphia, OCD, gender related difficulties, stress and breakdown, and sleep difficulties.

Family support


family support

Being the partner, parent or sibling of someone with autism or ADHD presents a unique set of circumstances.

We work closely with parents of neurodiverse children, supporting them to advocate for their child in what are often overwhelming, disempowering and ‘professional-centric’ situations.

Family members can contact us for support for mental health difficulties. We are also available to advocate for families of people who are neurodiverse.

We have expertise in navigating the residential care system and ensuring neurodiverse people receive the best care and support possible.

Education and employment


education and employment

People with autism or ADHD have different needs in the classroom and workplace. They often find themselves unhappy and struggling to flourish.

We work with neurodiverse people to develop therapeutic strategies that help them in education and employment. We can also liaise directly with educators and employers, giving the neurodiverse person the best possible chance to thrive.

Schools, universities and employers provide the best service to neurodiverse people by seeking knowledge and training from the experts. We work directly with educators and employers through seminars, workshops and mentoring programmes.

“I did 15 sessions of therapy adapted for autistic people. My anxiety was less severe, my mood lifted and I have new skills to help myself stay mentally well. I’m more confident than I’ve ever been. ”


autism psychology helped me

Take the next step in finding the support and understanding you deserve.